Home » Nigeria Ranks 9th, as Morocco, and Tunisia Top List of Best African Countries for Remote Work
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Nigeria Ranks 9th, as Morocco, and Tunisia Top List of Best African Countries for Remote Work

Among the 20 African countries included in the index, only Morocco secured a place in the global top 50, ranking 48th

According to a new study by cybersecurity company NordLayer, Morocco (0.657) and Tunisia (0.648) are the best countries in Africa for remote work using a global remote work index (GRWI). The other countries that made the top five (5) in Africa are Mauritius (0.630), South Africa (0.608), and Egypt (0.598).

The research, part of the Global Remote Work Index (GRWI), examines various factors contributing to remote work quality. These include cyber safety, economic conditions, digital and physical infrastructure, and social safety. The study evaluated 108 countries, significantly expanding from the 66 assessed in the previous year.

The top ten African countries list is completed by Ghana (0.552), Zambia (0.543), Botswana (0.526), Nigeria (0.523) and Algeria (0.512)

Among the 20 African countries included in the index, only Morocco secured a place in the global top 50, ranking 48th. The nation’s tourism attractiveness and strong cyber safety contributed to its high placement. Tunisia follows closely behind at 53rd place, bolstered by its tourism attractiveness. Mauritius stands at 58th, featuring excellent infrastructure and tourism attractiveness.

Unfortunately, the majority of African countries rank lower on the index. Angola finds itself at the bottom, occupying the 108th position among all countries evaluated. Zimbabwe and Mozambique rank 106th and 107th, respectively. The poor ranking of these countries is primarily due to their underdeveloped digital and physical infrastructures.

Unsurprisingly, African countries are recognized for their tourism attractiveness as they are all in the TOP 30 for that category. Mauritius led the pack in the 14th position, followed by Morocco and South Africa (both 16th), Botswana (17th), and Tunisia as well as Kenya (18th). While African countries are celebrated for their tourism attractiveness, many, however, grapple with inadequate digital infrastructure.

More on the remote work ranking

The GRWI assesses countries across four primary dimensions. This includes sub-dimensions to gauge their attractiveness for remote work:

  • Cyber Safety: This dimension evaluates the quality of cyberinfrastructure, response capacity, and legal measures in place.
  • Economic Safety: It considers factors such as tourism attractiveness, English language proficiency, cost of living, and healthcare services.
  • Digital and Physical Infrastructure: Here, aspects like internet quality, affordability, e-infrastructure, e-government, and physical infrastructure are assessed.
  • Social Safety: Personal rights, inclusiveness, and overall safety in the country are measured.

Per the report, the top ten best countries for remote work globally, according to the GRWI 2023, are; Denmark, The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Estonia, Lithuania, Ireland and Slovakia. Interestingly, all these countries are in Europe and probably attest to the effects of the EU.

“Even though some of the big tech companies recently brought their employees back to the office or introduced a hybrid work model, remote work is here to stay. It’s not just a trend — it is a fundamental shift in how we approach productivity and work-life balance. Embracing remote work empowers our teams to harness their full potential, regardless of geographical boundaries,”adds Donatas Tamelis, managing director at NordLayer.

Global remote work index

Embracing remote work in the digital age

Remote work is increasingly becoming a permanent feature of the modern work landscape. It offers new opportunities for both employees and organizations but also introduces cybersecurity challenges. Donatas Tamelis, Managing Director at NordLayer, emphasizes the importance of adopting good cybersecurity practices:

  • Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN): A VPN encrypts your internet connection, safeguarding your personal information when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks.
  • Keep Devices Updated: Ensure that all your devices have the latest software updates installed, as these often include security patches to protect against known vulnerabilities.
  • Be Cautious with Public Wi-Fi: Avoid accessing sensitive information on public Wi-Fi networks unless you are using a VPN.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Whenever possible, activate two-factor authentication for your online accounts to add an extra layer of security.
  • Use Strong and Unique Passwords: Create strong, unique passwords for each online account and consider using a password manager for added security.

In the age of remote work, cybersecurity is not just an option. It’s a critical necessity to safeguard our data and protect our organization from evolving cyber threats. Working remotely opens up new opportunities, but it also exposes us to potential security risks. Cybersecurity vigilance is our first line of defence,“ says Tamelis from NordLayer.

Source : Tech Next
