Home » Turkmenistan and Hungary Sign Agreement on Gas Supply
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Turkmenistan and Hungary Sign Agreement on Gas Supply

Budapest and Ashgabat have signed a political agreement on the supply of Turkmen gas to Hungary, negotiations between the companies are expected, Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said. This is reported by Interfax.

“Turkmenistan’s intention is quite clear for Hungary to become one of the directions of potential supplies of Turkmen gas to Europe and one of the transit countries. The political agreement has been concluded, now the companies will continue commercial negotiations,” he said in a video message that was broadcast on social networks on Sunday.

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimukhamedov met on Sunday in Budapest with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. According to the Hungarian agency MTI, talks were held not only about energy, but also about the expansion of cooperation in the areas of healthcare, the pharmaceutical industry, agriculture, food industry, water management, as well as in the field of education and culture.

The head of Turkmenistan arrived in Budapest on Sunday on a working visit at the invitation of Orban to participate in the events of the main state holiday of Hungary, St. Stephen’s Day.

According to the state news agency of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who was in Budapest on a working visit on August 20, discussed the development of bilateral partnership with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Among the promising areas of cooperation were identified energy, transport, industry, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and a number of other fields.

The sides attached great importance to the expansion of Turkmen-Hungarian humanitarian ties. It was noted that the promotion of mutually beneficial contacts in the field of sports will also contribute to the enrichment of bilateral relations.

Source : Aki Press
